BraveHeartNation Library

The World's Most Complete Emotional Training

Brave Heart Online


Watch and uncover the world’s most powerful online, emotional training at your own convenience. The Brave Heart Way is mind, body, spirit medicine based on unconditional self-love and was created to build the life you always dreamed of.


Click Above to Watch a Short Video on Brave Heart Online Training



Grow and learn at your own pace and discover the most valuable strategies and own the most powerful tools to create profound and lasting change in your life and the lives of your family. You will uncover your authentic self, your true self, by conquering your subconscious beliefs, thoughts, and limitations. Prepare yourself for the greatest adventure of your life!

All relationships, starting with you, will never reach their true depth until we are able to access the subconscious, where all belief systems are stored. Just as our clothing may get worn out or we just simply outgrow them, the same happens to the belief systems that run your whole life without you even being conscious of this undeniable fact. We are sacred, spiritual beings, here for a much larger reason and serving a much higher purpose. You are infinite love that has lost its way. Until you start asking the question why you will never find the answer. Change your brain, change your life. Change your brain, change your health.

Check out the Brave Heart Guide!


End the Family Curse:

  • Develop deeper, stronger relationships

  • Create change in your life right now

  • Erase & replace dysfunctional belief systems

  • Trust yourself and respect your decisions

  • Learn to harness the subconscious mind

  • Attract the right people at the right time

  • Overcome and master your fears

  • Succeed and achieve your goals

  • Be the key to unconditional self-love

Awaken the real you. The authentic you.
— Dr. Darrell Wolfe

What Our Students Are Saying:

I have been transfixed and deeply impressed at the scope of this lesson...I want the whole world to hear this. Darrell doesn’t miss a beat even though the material is profoundly scientifically based and presented, yet done with a lovingness that sure to connect science and spirituality in balance together for the first time. Compelling and life-changing because this reaches right into the soul yet offers the practical that is undeniable. Thank you, thank you, thanks to Darrell and everyone connected with the wondrous work.
— Irenee Riter
I’m very grateful and excited to learn about the heart-brain connection. Thank you, Darrell, for creating this and all your courses.
— Tanya Bakala
This course has really opened my eyes in so many areas that I had to do it twice. It makes so much sense, we have really complicated things when it comes to healing and the causes of disease and how far we have come away from nature.
— Nancy Smith
So awesome, already doing so many parts of this. Now to nail it down and do it again. Thank you for pouring your heart out and creating Brave Heart.
— Rachel Sileo